CNC Turning basic programming, machining and quality checking of the components
89259 06892

Duration | Theory – Online session 10 hours (2hrs per day)
Practical – Face to face - 24 Hours –
8hrs /day in Training centre
ITI, Diploma, Pursuing (3rd /Final Year) / Completed Engineering graduates
Attendance – 90% Min
Assignment completion – 100%
Post-test assessment score – 70% Min
By The End Of Course The Learner Will Be Able To:
Understand the CNC and different types of CNC machines
Identify CNC turning machine parts and its function
Understand the axis of the CNC turning machine
Explain the cutting parameters
Identify the cutting tools
Understand factors to consider before choosing cutting tools
Understand the Preparatory and Miscellaneous Codes and its function
Explain Geometry and Wear offset
Write the basic Program by using Linear and Circular interpolation
CNC Introduction
Machine parts and it’s function
Axis Identification
Cutting parameters
Basics of cutting tools
Factors to consider before choosing cutting tools
Preparatory Codes and Miscellaneous codes
Geometry and Wear offset
Writing the program by using Linear and circular interpolation
CNC Turning virtual online training and hands on with Industry machine.
Simulations of various programming steps.
Daily assignments to improve familiarization of CNC turning basic programming and machining.
Real time practical session enhances knowledge in CNC turning programming and machining.