This training workshop is designed to develop skills to find solutions with the IoT platforms. The practice session includes some common IoT interaction patterns like Telemetry, Internet Client-Server, P-2-P, Web Client-Server, Websocket, IFTTT, Pub-Sub, etc.
The training is offered with one of the currently popular IoT Platforms – NodeMCU (ESP8266 & ESP32).
The development of skill is provided by highlighting the capabilities of the platform and how the platform creates IoT solutions using some of the above interactions.
The course includes theory and lab sessions with some popular IoT Stacks and End-to-End Interaction patterns. The course also presents other options (Platform, IDE, and stacks), OS for Constrained Systems, related initiatives that are generic (LWM2M …), and domain specific (Industrial Networks, Industry 4.0 …)
Introduction to H/W and S/W Systems including File System
Developing IoT Solutions with Cross Platform IDEs (Arduino IDE & MicroPython) and ESP8266 (or ESP32)
Developing with the peripherals connected to GPIO pins of ESP8266 (or ESP32)
Using ESP8266 (or ESP32) Built-in Timers for programming periodic events.
Developing solutions with Serially Connected Console for user interaction; Wireless (BLE) Console
Developing Solutions with ESP8266 Libraries. Arduino Library Management
Developing IoT Solutions with ESP8266 WiFi Features
Network Operation and IoT Stack with diagnostic & Learning tools - Ping, Ipconfig, Arp, Route, Cisco’s Packet Tracer, and Wireshark.
Private-Public Networks, Firewall Traversal, NAT, Things - URL, URI, HTTP, CoAP, Restful API – Relevance to IOT
Complete IoT Stack – Options and Choosing the right option
Building IoT Solutions with Web Technologies – HTTP, CoAP, Restful API, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Node.JS. CoAP versus HTTP, CoAP and HTTP, CoAP-HTTP Application gateway.
Virtualization and Building IoT Solutions with Cloud
Developing Solution with ESP8266 (or ESP32) SPI Flash File System (SPIFFS)
Building Solution with various Interaction Patterns – Internet Client-Server, P-2-P, Telemetry, Notification, Web Client-Server, Websocket, Pub-Sub (MQTT), IFTTT, Scalable CoAP Solutions, LWM2M, etc.
Developing Android Mobile Apps to control and Sensors connected to ESP8266 (or ESP32) I/O Pins.
Controlling Sensors, Data Logging, Data Presentation using various Interaction Patterns, Presenting Data using Various Interaction patterns (Telemetry, Internet Data Gateway, Cloud).
Developing ESP8266 (or ESP32) solutions with Digital and Analog Sensors: Sensing and controlling with UART, SPI, I2C. A2D, D2A, and PWM
Developing an Internet Data Gateway for Sensor Networks (ESP8266 network) using Raspberry PI and ThingSpeak Channels
Setting up MQTT PUB-SUB Interaction Pattern
Limitations of Client-Server applications - Traversing the Firewall with WebSocket
Auto Configuration of WiFi, Over the Air (OTA) Update, and Power Conservation with ESP8266 (or ESP32). Building firmware for ESP8266 and flashing the firmware. Developing with Watchdog Timer.
Building IoT Solutions with Natural Language Processing Interface – Solutions with Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
Building smart solutions with IFTTT Applets. MQTT and mobile APP with Heroku Cloud Platform.
There is more to IoT: Constraint Network with IEEE 802.15.4, IPV6 and 6LoWPAN, TLS, DTLS, CoAP, LWM2M, Semantic Models, Service Registration, Service Discovery, and Learning.
Contiki – An OS for IOT Constrained nodes, Instant Contiki and Cooja Development-Test Platform. Other IoT Platforms. Sensors
Developing Campus Solutions with LoRaWAN - Demonstration
The IoT Big Picture (This should be one of the first modules!!). Cellular Initiatives for IoT – 5G; Industrial IoT with Industrial Networks, Smart Applications for various domains.
By The End Of Course The Learner Will:
Acquired the skill set required to work with one of the popular IoT Platforms (both ESP8266 & ESP32). This should enable them work with any IoT Platform with some minimum effort.
Gained the operational knowledge required to develop with IoT Stack with various interaction patterns – Client-Server, Web, WebSocket, etc.
Understood how to maximize their productivity using the IoT resources available on the Internet
How to build new tangible skill set using the experience gained in this course.