Environment, Health & safety have gained paramount importance in the global circles and so have the associated management systems to certify and track the performance to the requirements
ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
89259 06892

Duration | 8 Hours – 4hrs/day x 2 days with breaks
Working knowledge of EHS in industry
Personnel in Leadership role responsible for leading the compliance requirements of ISO 14001 & ISO 45001 in the organization
Environmental, Health & Safety officers
Managers, Supervisors & Team leaders with EHS responsibility in their respective workplace.
All participants should have reasonably basic understanding on Environment, Health & Safety basic requirements for their work areas.
Participants should have undergone basic awareness training for ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
Attendance – 90% Min
Assignment completion – 100%
Post-test assessment score – 70% Min
Help participants to Identify the legal requirements for ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
Create awareness among participants on the need for adherence to compliance requirements and the need to review & monitor compliance on periodical basis.
Pre-test, continuous discussions & post-test to enable instructor to ascertain whether students have understood the program
Student feedback helps tweak the course content
What is Legal requirement?
Definition: Law, Act, Regulation & Rules
EMS & HSMS management systems
Requirements, benefits & importance of compliance.
PDCA approach & flow of compliance obligations
What are my compliance requirements?
Listing of various Acts & Rules pertaining to EMS & HSMS
Discussions on what is “My contribution” in this?
Legal requirements of ISO 14001 & Hazardous substances
Air, Water, Soil / Land & Noise pollution
Sources, Effects on individual, society & Environment.
Control measures as per legal requirements
Hazardous substance management
Legal requirements of ISO 45001
Discussion on workplace hazards & listing of the same in our work environment.
Focus on sources, effects & control of following hazards:
Chemical, Fire, Electrical, Thermal (Heat), Machine guarding, Lifting, Floors, stairs & means of access, Petroleum & Explosives
By The End Of Course The Learner Will:
Understand about and identify the legal requirements applicable to their respective work areas to establish a legal register for the purpose of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Management systems.
Periodically review the changes in circumstances and legal requirements and evaluate the impact of the changes to the organization.
Contribute to the organization’s sustainable development of the EHS Management systems.