Control the world around you
Learn to setup the software to program your board
89259 06892
Duration | 8 hours (2 hours / day)
Completed Engineering graduates (EEE,ECE,E&I,Mechatronics)
Pursuing (3rd /Final Year)
Basic electronics knowledge and familiar with C programming
Embedded system design for domestic & industry related real time applications.
The course is delivered through virtual simulations for various circuits and detailed procedure to develop programming in a step by step process.
End of Module Assessments enable instructor to ascertain whether students have understood the program
Student feedback helps tweak the course content
Overview of Embedded Systems
Hardware & Software elements
Arduino Programming language
Basic tools in online simulator
Programming for digital and analog input/output devices
By The End Of Course The Learner Will:
Have an overview of embedded systems
Be introduced to Arduino Programming Integrated Development Environment
Understand the digital and analog input/output devices as well as demonstrate the interfacing of these devices with the Arduino hardware.
Be able to develop software codes for different input/output devices and perform virtual simulation.