An expertise in the core concepts of manufacturing processes can never be debated. A strong foundation in the fundamentals of the concepts of manufacturing processes enables one to stand the test of time and brace on the future confidently. The conventional manufacturing courses are designed so as to provide the fundamental knowledge of manufacturing which in turn provides the capability to make advancements in the field.
The Conventional manufacturing courses provide the practical know-how of the concepts and tools that enable production of wide variety of engineering goods. Mastery in tools of industry enhances skill level of people to enable manufacturing of affordable quality goods essential to today's society
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Students pursuing 3rd /Final Year
Completed Engineering graduates
CNC Turning (Basic Programming & Machining)
Understand the CNC and different types of CNC machines
Explain the cutting parameters
Understand factors to consider before choosing cutting tools
Understand the Preparatory and Miscellaneous Codes and its function
Write the basic Program by using Linear and Circular interpolation
Course explains CNC Turning basic programming, machining and quality checking of the components. It focuses on programming and machining with the help of simulation of industrial machine. Hands on real time practice will improve familiarization of programming and machining.

ITI, Diploma, Students pursuing 3rd /Final Year
Completed Engineering graduates
CNC Milling (Basic Programming & Machining)
Understand the CNC and different types of CNC machines
Explain the cutting parameters
Understand the Preparatory and Miscellaneous Codes and its function
Write the basic Program by using Linear and Circular interpolation
The course explains CNC Milling basic programming & machining and quality checking of the components. It focuses on programming and machining with help of simulations and practical session on industrial machine.

Practicing engineers from production and quality departments with two to five years of experience. (Not design eng.)
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing application and its benefits over conventional tolerance
Apply the GD&T concepts, rules, symbols and modifiers in production and inspection methods
Understand the importance of interpretation of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing and know the difference between the conventional toelrancing and GD&T. It focuses on interpretation of the 14 GD&T symbols and how to apply in production and inspection.

10th, 12th, ITI, Diploma in Engg
Basic welding knowledge
Basics of SMAW Process
Understand the welding process and its application
Be able to identify the welding defects causes and remedies
Understand the welding metal preparation
Understand the importance of welding inspection
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) or “STICK” welding is a manual welding process that uses a consumable electrode to create a weld. This welding process is used extensively in the construction of heavy steel structures and industrial fabrication. Learn the types of arc welding machines, polarity settings, and discuss care and maintenance of welding machines.

Pursuing (3rd /Final Year) / Completed Engineering graduates / working professionals in production, tooling, product and process engineering, quality functions with 0 to 2 years’ experience
​Mechanical / manufacturing engineering background
Jigs & Fixtures
Explain the jigs and fixtures, its parts and functional importance
Identify the types of jigs and fixtures for typical manufacturing process
Explain the advantage of using jigs and fixtures.
Able to carry out work with jigs and fixtures.
Able to suggest appropriate jigs and fixtures for the jobs handling.
Assist in manufacturing, vendor development, process engineering.
Can take further training in tool design , CAD , Solid works
The Jigs and fixtures course explains the purpose of using jigs and fixtures in the industry , difference between jigs and fixtures, types and the principles involved in jigs and fixtures design explaining the various of jigs and fixtures and material of construction . All the jigs and fixtures explained with pictures, diagrams and videos in certain applications in the PPTs. Interesting Interactive sessions are planned through instructor led online training

10th, 12th, DME & DEE students
Basic welding knowledge
Basics of GTAW
Be able to understand the GTAW welding process and its application
Understand the welding power source and its types
Understand the type of Electrode and its specification
Understand the Shielding gas function
Identifying the main defects in the welds and knowing ways to avoid them
Be able to identify the welding defects causes and remedies.
Be able to understand the importance of welding inspection and its types
Have high chances of getting TIG welding jobs in various industries
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW or TIG welding) is a precise welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode and inert shielding gas. GTAW can be used on a wide variety of metals and can be performed manually or with the use of semi-automated or totally automated systems. GTAW gives the welder increased control over the weld, which allows the fabrication of stronger and higher quality welds. The process can be complex and requires practice to master but the improved weld quality is vital to certain applications.
This course on GTAW describes the tools used in GTAW and discusses various factors that should be considered when using GTAW process. The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, animations and applications examples. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training

Participants with prior knowledge in CNC basic Programing - ITI, Diploma and Completed Engineering graduates
CNC Turning Canned Cycle
Programming & Machining
Have the knowledge about Canned cycles
Apply the Tool Nose Radius Compensation
Be able to set the tool for component machining
Write the programming and machining the component with G70 and G71 cycle
Understand the component machining with G72 facing cycle
Be familiar with the profile machining - G73 cycle
Know the G74 drilling cycle, Groove cutting using G75 cycle and Thread cutting with G76 cycle
This course explains CNC Turning canned cycle programming and machining and quality checking of the components. It focuses on programming and machining with the help of simulation and practice on industrial machine. Hands on real time practice will improve familiarization of programming and machining. The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, animations. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training and hands on

10th, 12th, DME & DEE students
Basics of GMAW
Be able to understand the GMAW welding process and its application
Understand the welding power source and its types
Understand the type of Electrode specification
Understand the metal transfer and its types
Identifying the main defects in the welds and knowing ways to avoid them
Be able to identify the welding defects, causes and remedies.
Understand the welding metal preparation.
Be able to understand the importance of welding inspection and its types
Be able look for MIG welding related jobs in various industries
“Basic of GMAW” provides a comprehensive overview of the gas metal arc welding process and its equipment. GMAW is a semi-automatic or automatic process that uses a consumable electrode and a shielding gas. GMAW equipment includes a power source, wire electrode, wire feeder, shielding gas, and welding gun. GMAW typically uses a constant voltage power source and direct current electrode positive polarity (DCEP). In GMAW, there are several modes of metal transfer: short circuit, globular, and axial spray.
GMAW is one of the most popular arc welding processes. This process can be semi-automatic or automatic and it is one of the easiest to learn. A good understanding of GMAW is also helpful when learning about related types of welding such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW).

Pursuing (3rd /Final Year) / working professionals with 0-2 year of experience from manufacturing and maintenance. (Not for practicing designers and machine builders)
Awareness in basic machine tools and machines elements
Identify the various types of bearings and its application
Identify the causes for failures and suggest the remedies
Explain the specification of bearing and able to read the bearing catalogue.
Take high end program on bearing load calculation and design courses
Be able to get job opportunities in maintenance department by learning other maintenance related courses like maintenance management, maintenance of power transmitting elements and awareness on TPM.
The course explains different types of bearing and its application, factors to be considered for selection and maintenance of bearings. The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, animations and applications examples. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training

Participants have a knowledge in CNC basic milling Programing - ITI, Diploma and Completed Engineering graduates
CNC Milling Canned Cycle -
Programming & Machining
Knowledge about Canned cycles
Setting the tool for component machining
Setting and properly clamp the work piece
Write the programming and machining the component with sup program
Knowledge about the component machining with mirror concept
Programming and simulation with spot drilling cycle
Simulate the programming with peck drilling cycle
The course explains CNC Milling cycle programming and machining and quality checking of the components. It focuses on programming and machining with help of simulation in industrial machine. Hands on real time practices will improve familiarization of programming and machining. The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, animations. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training and hands on

Pursuing (3rd /Final Year) / Completed Engineering graduates and working professional in the industry with 0 to 2 years’ experience
Mechanical, manufacturing engineering discipline
Press & Pressline Accessories
Explain the press and press line accessories and its use in press parts manufacturing.
Know various types of presses and its use produce press parts applications.
Identify the press and press accessories specification.
Assist in the set up or guiding in setting up of press line set up and care in establishing the line.
Explain the press parts handling, movement including disposal of scrap
Able to take up or guide press operations with confidence and interest by knowing the press and press line accessories.
Can handle and guide press shop operations and give required output and quality
Can take Similar training sessions on press operations of cutting, forming, press tool design and manufacturing,
Be able to advance in their career to become shift in charge / supervisors of press shop after gaining relevant experience
The course on press and press line accessories explains how a press line is to be formed, what accessories to be added, how the accessories to be specified, and how the specifications for the accessories to be derived, what care to be taken during the commissioning. The course also covers the different types of presses, their specifics in selection and advantages. Similar approach is followed for Decoilers, straighteners and feeders . The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, pictures and applications examples. The programme will be highly interactive since sessions are planned through Instructor led online training

Practicing engineers from Design, Manufacturing, Production/Tool Engineering and Quality with minimum of 2 years experience
Basic knowledge on Engineering drawings, limits fits & tolerances and GD&T
Advanced GD & T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing)
Industry Related examples for each geometric dimension
Videos and animation for better understanding
Sharing Best practices in production and inspection
Hands on exercises for finding the fits, bonus tolerance and stack up analysis
Design exercises pertaining to GD&T
Discussion on participants’ drawings
GD&T is very essential to convey the real design intent and thereby ensure individual parts and assemblies are manufactured in order to realize the desired product functions. This advanced indepth course in GD&T is aimed to help the design, manufacturing and quality engineers to clearly interpret and apply the GD&T concepts in the individual parts as well as assemblies. This course covers the interpretation and application of each GD&T specification on the product function, manufacturing process design and measurement methods. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training.

Engineering Students B.E/B.Tech - Mechanical and Automobile (II year completed)
Python programming
Reverse Engineering
Hands on experience on measuring devices and 3D printers.
Steps involved in developing a product explained using Additive manufacturing.
Implementation of reverse engineering concepts explained with appropriate examples from the industry.
Main concepts explained through videos, case studies, group discussions (Chart Activity)
Assignments based on real time problems in enterprises.
End of Module Assessments enable instructor to ascertain whether students have understood the program.
Student feedback helps tweak the course content
This course explains concepts of Reverse Engineering. It is a process of gaining knowledge from a finished product and it is also termed as the method of dismantling a product to analyze and gain knowledge about the way it works. It is often used to duplicate or enhance the product wherein the obsolete products can also be engineered with the aid of reverse engineering concepts