Rapid advancement in technology has opened the doors to lucrative opportunities in the field of embedded systems. In order to keep abreast with latest developments one should acquire knowledge & skills in the same. Deep understanding of its Functions & Applications across various domains will greatly help in advancement of one’s career.
Industries’ expect EMBEDDED ENGINEERS to possess additional skills such as a deep understanding of the hardware, schematics and relatability of chipsets, datasheets with the codes written for them. Furthermore they are also responsible in designing, developing, optimizing and implementing software that is programmed into devices built around a microprocessor or microcontroller. Gaining the necessary knowledge will keep one ahead in the rat race.

Pursuing (3rd /Final Year) / Completed Engineering graduates (EEE,ECE,E&I,Mechatronics)
Basic electronics knowledge and familiar with C programming
8051 - Micro Controller
Have an overview of embedded systems
Be introduced to Embedded C Programming language and familiar with Keil Integrated Development Environment
Understand the digital and analog input/output devices as well as demonstrate the interfacing of these devices with the 8051 microcontroller.
Be able to develop software codes for different input/output devices and perform simulations in software.
The course explains how embedded systems can be designed with the help of 8 bit microcontroller. It focuses on the design of hardware & development of software code on the dedicated Integrated Development Environment, interfacing of different input/output devices for dedicated applications. The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, animations, virtual simulations and applications as examples. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training.

Basic electronics knowledge and familiar with C programming
Arduino Micro-Controller
Control the world around you
Learn to setup the software to program your board.
The course explains how embedded systems can be designed with the help of Arduino microcontroller. It focuses on the design of hardware & development of software code on the dedicated Integrated Development Environment, interfacing of different input/output devices for dedicated applications. The topics in this program will be explained with PPTs, relevant videos, animations, virtual simulations and applications as examples. Highly interactive sessions planned through Instructor led online training.

Engineering graduates (From 2nd Year onwards ECE, EEE, CSE, IT streams)
Basic C programming skill
Basic Electronics knowledge
Single Board Computer- Raspberry Pi
Learn to use Python Language Features to control the Raspberry Pi.
How to use the Raspberry Pi for interfacing complicated actuators and sensors
Learn to use Raspberry Pi as a IoT gateway.
Webpage development using PHP/HTML.
Assignments based on Real-time Applications
The Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable single-board computer that you will use to design and develop fun and practical IoT devices while learning programming and computer hardware. In addition, you will learn how to set up the Raspberry Pi environment, get a Linux operating system running, and write and execute some basic Python code on the Raspberry Pi. You will also learn how to use Python-based IDE (integrated development environments) for the Raspberry Pi and how to trace and debug Python code on the device

Engineering graduates (From 2nd Year onwards ECE, EEE, CSE, IT streams)
Basic C programming skill
Basic Electronics knowledge
Embedded Technology
PIC16F877A Architecture and on chip peripherals.
Procedure of I2C, SPI, UART communication protocols.
It brings out and nourishes the ability to design and construct both hardware and software.
Industrial Applications based Signal Converters.
Assignments based on the real time Application.
This course is focused on giving you real world coding experience and hands on project work with PIC16F877A based Microcontroller. You will learn how to implement software configuration management and develop embedded software applications. You will gain experience writing low-level firmware to directly interface hardware with highly efficient, readable and portable design practices