Environment management system (EMS) principles and how the various processes performed by the organisation might adversely impact the environment
ISO 14001:2015 - AWARENESS
89259 06892
Duration | 10 hours (2hrs/day)
Anyone in EMS system field.
EMS Managers and other EMS function employees.
Employees actively engaged in developing and implementing EMS.
Employees leading the effort of upgrading the EMS from ISO 14001:2004 to ISO 14001:2015
Min of 2 years’ experience (EMS Engineers & Managers, manufacturing, Quality, maintenance, Stores, Safety, and Utility)
Attendance – 90% Min
Assignment completion – 100%
Post-test assessment score – 70% Min
By The End Of Course The Learner Will:
Understand the need of the standard for EMS
Understand about the ISO 14001 clauses and requirements
Understand the principles of the EMS system.
Know the specific differences between ISO 14001: 2004 and ISO 14001:2015
Understand the goals of the standard
Understand the Risk & Risk mitigation plans
Continual improvement for EMS
History of the ISO 14001 : 2015 Standard
The Annex SL for all Management Systems
Role of top management
Documented information
Context of your organization
Expectations of interested parties
Understand the legal requirements
Organizational Knowledge
Risk based thinking
Risk planning sheet – Aspect & Impact study
EMS – Policy & Objectives
Emergency plan
Auditing the EMS
Transition changes
Clause Explanations
The need & requirements of clauses – High Level
Definition of terms
Benefits & Goals of the standards
The course is designed for all personnel/team members directly involved in EMS system, process owners, and auditors.
The course is delivered through virtual online – online exercise & online continuous assessments to keep the participant learning collaborative & competitive to learn more.
Participant feedback helps tweak the course content