Machine learning has become embedded in a wide variety of day-to-day business, nonprofit, and government operations. It is all about extracting knowledge from data and the application of machine learning methods has in recent years become ubiquitous in everyday life
End of the Course the learners can build a Machine Learning model by themselves
Hands-on practical sessions
Real-world case studies
Interactive visualizations of algorithms
Module wise Assessments enable instructor/Learner to track & judge Learner’s knowledge level
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning?
Applications of Machine Learning
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
Steps to Solve a Machine Learning Problem
2. Introduction to Python
Installation of Python using Anaconda Navigator
Python Overview
Python Keywords
Python Identifiers
Data types
Type Conversion
Input and Output Statements
Python control structures
Selection Statement / Decision Making Statement
Looping Statement / Iterative Statement
Python Modules
3. Vectors, Matrices, and Arrays
Creating a Vector
Creating a Matrix
Creating a Sparse Matrix
Selecting Elements
Describing a Matrix
Applying Operations to Elements
Finding the Maximum and Minimum Values
Calculating the Average, Variance, and Standard Deviation
Reshaping Arrays
Transposing a Vector or Matrix
Flattening a Matrix
Finding the Rank of a Matrix
Calculating the Determinant
Getting the Diagonal of a Matrix
Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Calculating Dot Products
Adding and Subtracting Matrices
Multiplying Matrices
Inverting a Matrix
4. Loading Data
Loading a Sample Dataset
Loading a CSV File
Loading an Excel File
5. Data Wrangling
Creating a Data Frame
Describing the Data
Navigating DataFrames
Selecting Rows Based on Conditionals
Replacing Values
Renaming Columns
Finding the Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Average, and Count
Finding Unique Values
Handling Missing Values
Deleting a Column
Deleting a Row
Dropping Duplicate Rows
Grouping Rows by Values
Applying a Function
Concatenating DataFrames
Merging DataFrames
6. Handling Numerical Data
Standardizing a Feature
Normalizing Observations
Generating Polynomial and Interaction Features
Transforming Features
Detecting Outliers
Handling Outliers
Deleting Observations with Missing Values
Imputing Missing Values
7. Handling Categorical Data
Encoding Nominal Categorical Features
Encoding Ordinal Categorical Features
Encoding Dictionaries of Features
Imputing Missing Class Values
Handling Imbalanced Classes
8. Handling Text
Cleaning Text
Parsing and Cleaning HTML
Removing Punctuation
Tokenizing Text
Removing Stop Words
Stemming Words
Tagging Parts of Speech
Encoding Text as a Bag of Words
Weighting Word Importance
9. Handling Dates and Times
Converting Strings to Dates
Handling Time Zones
Selecting Dates and Times
Breaking Up Date Data into Multiple Features
Calculating the Difference Between Dates
Encoding Days of the Week
Creating a Lagged Feature
Using Rolling Time Windows
Handling Missing Data in Time Series
10. A Machine Learning Model using Linear Regression
11. A Machine Learning Model using Trees and Forests
12. A Machine Learning Model using K-Nearest Neighbors
13. A Machine Learning Model using Logistic Regression
14. A Machine Learning Model using Support Vector Machines
15. A Machine Learning Model using Naive Bayes
16. A Machine Learning Model using K-means Clustering
By The End Of Course The Learner Will Be Able To:
Design Machine Learning Model
Visualize the data
Data Analytics
Work with various python libraries numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn and sklean